We help small companies to get off the ground. 我们帮助一些小公司顺利起步。
The aircraft hadn't enough power to get off the ground. 那架飞机的动力不够,无法起飞。
Lack of money meant the plan didn't even get off the ground. 缺乏资金意味着我们甚至无法开始实施计划。
Klout CEO Joe Fernandez told fortune he expects these to flip next year once groups get off the ground. Klout首席执行官乔•费尔南德斯告诉《财富》(Fortune)杂志,一旦群组功能步入正轨,将有望在明年成为Klout的支柱业务。
If the court rules against German participation, panic will almost surely sweep through the markets as the core of the rescue operation fizzles before it is even able to get off the ground. 如果法院判定违宪,等于是救助行动还未实施,核心部分就已夭折,届时几乎肯定会出现恐慌情绪席卷各个市场的情况。
A hedge fund seed is large enough to help a manager get off the ground; and some seeders also kick in marketing, risk management, and back office help. 对冲基金种子的规模大到足以帮助一个基金经理起步;而且一些种子投资者还同时提供推介、风险管理和后台帮助。
A bubble that bursts, big losses in the stock market, and a long economic recovery that never seems to quite get off the ground. 我们以前也经历过和眼下十分类似的时期,那时泡沫刚刚破碎,股市损失惨重,经济恢复旷日持久,似乎经济永远没有再度起飞的一天。
One reason many applications never get off of the ground is the need for infrastructure. 许多应用程序从未获得进展的一个原因就是无法满足对基础设施的需求。
You have great plans and ideas, but somehow they never get off the ground. 你有很棒的想法和计划,可惜却从来没有付诸实践。
In 12 months, the accelerator helped 70 companies get off the ground, and 16 startups have been acquired since 2009 by such giants as Google, Dropbox, and Yahoo. 在12个月里,该创业加速器已经帮助70家公司顺利起航,自2009年以来,已经有16家初创公司被谷歌(Google)、Dropbox和雅虎(Yahoo)等巨头收购。
How do you know I can really Help get YOU off the ground? 你怎么知道我真的能帮助你飞上天?
The bird fluttered its wings wildly but it could not get off the ground. 鸟儿拼命扑打着翅膀,但仍不能飞离地面。
While using LLVM helped us get off the ground very, very quickly, it quickly became a liability, and we ended up having to fix lots of bugs in the JIT support. 使用LLVM帮助我们很快地起步,但是它却很快成为了我们的负担,我们不得不在修复大量的对JIT进行支持的bug中结束我们的工作。
However, it is unlikely to get off the ground in the near future. 然而,它不大可能在不久的将来就启动。
You spend years trying to get them off the ground. 你花了很多时间,试图让他们起飞。
The negotiation would never get off the ground. 谈判就永远开始不了。
Like any business, you shouldn't expect to be profitable right when you open your doors, so make sure you have enough money to live off of while you get off the ground. 如同任何业务,你不应该期望能够有利可图权当你打开你的门,所以一定要确保你有足够的资金。
He said the government's strategic plan to re-launch French wine on the world stage had struggled to get off the ground so far. They are still trying to appoint people to different posts. 他说,法国政府的战略计划一直在努力想让法国的葡萄酒摆脱现状,重新回到国际舞台上。
And many appointed projects fail to get off the ground. 而且许多指定的项目没能启动。
Nor can moral reasoning get off the ground without an empathetic understanding of the welfare of others. 不设身处地地理解他人的福祉,道德说理也无从开展。
If it's raining or wet, avoid burrowing in a hole and get off the ground. 如果碰上雨天或潮湿,就不要挖洞或者开始建容身之处。
Virgin has been slow to get off the ground: it has 3m credit card and saving customers but has delayed launching a full suite of products. 维珍金融一直发展缓慢:它拥有300万张信用卡和储蓄客户,但迟迟没有推出全套的产品。
If his remarks help this proposal get off the ground, it will be no small contribution to eurozone financial stability. 如果他的意见能够帮助实现这一建议,对欧元区的金融稳定将是不小的贡献。
It restricted the scale and scope of its so-called feed-in tariff, a subsidy that allows non-conventional energy to get off the ground. 日本对上网电价政策的实施规模和范围都进行限制,而该补贴政策有助于非传统能源的起步发展。
Well, so far, none of his plans have managed to get off the ground. 咳,到目前为止,他的计划还没有一项取得进展。
The project took a long time to get off the ground. 这个项目准备了很长时间才开始。
When does your magazine get off the ground? 你们的杂志什么时候发行?
As the deadline arrived, it was with real pride that we could present our work, confident that we had not just achieved what we set out to but had also gone substantially beyond our brief to help the company get off the ground. 随着最终期限的到来,我们非常自豪自己能够向大家介绍自己的工作成果,我们自信地认为,自己不仅达到了我们的初始目标,而且比项目要求更好地帮助了该公司起步。
Stella: Money! How can a business get off the ground without it? 史黛拉:资金啊!没钱要怎么创业?